Room 2

Semi-Hybrid Room Instructions

Room 2 is a unique room at Regent, in that it has some technology that enables hybrid capacities, but is not currently set up to function as a full hybrid classroom through Zoom Rooms.

Room 2 does not currently have a computer installed in the classroom.

Therefore, when used as a hybrid room for meetings, the host of the meeting/local participants will need to bring their own laptop to run a Zoom meeting. This can be accomplished through the TV cart and Polycom Camera and Conference Microphone.

Please consult with the Regent IT team before using the hybrid capabilities in this room if you are unfamiliar with operating the technology. The IT team does not have the ability to monitor meetings in this room, and therefore are limited in troubleshooting ongoing meetings.

Please see the instructions below prior to use:

Room 2 Hybrid Equipment

PolyCom Camera

PolyCom Conference Microphone

TCL TV with PolyCom Camera system mounted above

Semi-Hybrid Room Setup and Features

The standard configuration of Room 2 allows for the following hybrid capabilities:

Specific Tech Instructions for Room 2 Hybrid Use

Using the Projector - Non-Hybrid

1. Find the projector remote on top of the black AV box and point it toward the projector. Then press ON.

2. The projector will beep, and after a few seconds its power button will turn blue.

3. Plug your computer into the AV box's VGA or HDMI port.

4. Your screen should now be visible on the projector. If it isn't, open your computer's display settings to mirror or extend your display.

5. Remember to turn off the projector and return the cables to their original places when you're done! 

Finding Cables & Display Adapters

Using the Sound System - Non-Hybrid

1. Connect your device to the AV box's input panel with either an HDMI cable, or a 3.5mm audio cable. 

2. Find the sound amplifier (Factor X-7240-4) in the AV box, and turn on its POWER switch.

3. Start playing audio on your device. 

 4. Turn up the MASTER dial on the amplifier to hear the audio through the ceiling speakers. 

5. Using a microphone or instrument with a quarter inch jack

6. Please make sure to return the Sound Amplifier to original state when you have finished using it

Troubleshooting - Non-Hybrid

If the projector remote isn't working:

If your computer screen doesn't appear on the projector:

If the sound isn't working: