Guide for Lecturers

Getting Started

Check your system requirements

To use Zoom on your computer, you'll need the following:

For hosting or teaching classes, we strongly recommend using Zoom on your computer rather than on a phone or tablet. For more detailed system requirements, see this link.

Download and install Zoom

Download and install the Zoom app from

ℹ️ Zoom has both an app and a web interface

Sign into Zoom

You'll need to sign into the Zoom app with your Regent email address to use it. Here's how:

1. Launch the Zoom app on your computer.

2. Click Sign In with Google (see screenshot below). A Google sign-in screen will appear in your web browser.

3. Select (or sign into) your Regent email address (i.e., [name] You should now be signed in!

(If you are a visiting lecturer you can use your own Zoom account, signing up if needed)

Testing Zoom

Make sure to test your Zoom setup before using it for class! Here are the steps we recommend: 

1. Start a test meeting at

2. Practice screen sharing before class. Click here for Zoom's instructions

ℹ️ When sharing your screen, check the boxes to Share computer sound and Optimize Screen Sharing for Video Clip (see screenshot below). These boxes must be checked if you're planning to share videos.

Updating Zoom

Zoom consistently upgrades its security and adds features. Please check the app for updates at least once a week to ensure that you can connect to your class. 

To check for updates:

Best Practices

Pre-meeting checklist

Before the meeting

Video and audio

Classroom tips

1. Enable the setting to mute your students' microphones when they first join the meeting. This prevents latecomers from disrupting the meeting when they enter. To enable this:

2. Don't forget to un-mute your students for questions or discussions! 

3. During breaks, leave everything running. 

Hosting tips

Zoom Hosts play a key role in setting the tone for the class and ensuring that it runs smoothly. Here are some tips to get you started.

When class begins

During class

If the lecturer's internet connection dies

Additional resources

Here are some extra resources for lecturers and Zoom Hosts that may come in handy. Enjoy!

Connecting to Your Class

If you haven't installed Zoom yet, please do so before proceeding.

1. Sign into Moodle with your Regent Login. (What is a Regent Login?). Sign into the Zoom desktop app and Zoom web interface.

2. Open your class' Moodle page.

3. Scroll down to the section titled Zoom Video Conferencing and click the Zoom Video Conferencing link at the bottom (see screenshot below). This will open Zoom's website.

⚠️ Mac users: you may see a green box that says "Cookies are not supported." Click Open in a new window to proceed (see screenshot below). 

4. If your class is being hosted by someone else (e.g., your T.A.):

5. If you're hosting your own class:

⚠️ If Zoom doesn't automatically start your scheduled meeting, you can start it from within the Zoom app. Here's how:

ℹ️ If students have trouble joining your meeting:

Using Zoom

Here's an overview of some of Zoom's best features. Enjoy!

Waiting Room

The Waiting Room feature allows the host to screen any participants who attempt to join the meeting. Participants are held in the Waiting Room until the host allows them to enter.

To enable the Waiting Room:

1. Sign into Zoom's web interface in your web browser.

2. Click Settings in the left sidebar.

3. In the Meeting tab, scroll down to the Waiting Room option (near the bottom) and enable it. (See screenshot below.)

At the time of this writing (i.e., Late Capitalism 2020), The Waiting Room is not a Christian dating reality TV series. At least not yet.

4. During class you will need to admit participants individually, or by clicking Admit All.


You can record Zoom meetings and make them available to those who need them. Here's how.

Automatically record the meeting

When scheduling your meeting via Moodle you have the option to automatically record. Please use this so you don't have to remember to turn it on later!

Recording the meeting

1. During your Zoom meeting, click the Record button near the bottom of the window, then Record to the Cloud (see screenshot below).

2. The recording will automatically stop once you click End Meeting.

⚠️ If you plan to use the Breakout Rooms feature, please note that only the main room will be recorded. 

Sharing the recording links

After your meeting ends, you'll receive a link to the recording via email.

Share the Zoom Cloud recording link - NOTE: ONLY USED WHEN OUR SERVER IS DOWN

1. You will get an email from zoom shortly after your meeting ends with links to your recording. 

2. Click on the For Host Only link which is the first link in the email. 

3. Click on the Share button in the top right. 

4. Enable Add expiry date to the link

5. Disable Viewers can download and Passcode Protection

6. Click Display detailed information

7. Copy the https link to add as a link in Moodle

Adding the recording link to Moodle

1. Open your course's Moodle page.

2. Click Turn editing on in the upper right corner.

3. Scroll to the section where you would like to add the link, and click Add an activity or resource.

4. Click URL in the left sidebar and click Add. A box will appear. 

5. Below the text input field, click Restrict access

6. Click the Add Restriction... button. Then click Date.

7. Click the grey eye to hide the link after the set date. 

7. Click Save and return to course. Make sure to test the link to see if it works!

Restricting the recording link to a group of users

Moodle has two automatic groups: "On Campus" and "Online". You can use these groups to restrict content, including a date limit. You can create a "Temporary Online" group and assign students if you need to add others.

Downloading a copy of the recording

To download a copy of the recording, click on the open the Google Drive link that you received in your email. Then click on the download icon to download it.  If there is no download option please email [email protected].


Screen Sharing

During class, you can share what's on your computer screen via Zoom. This especially useful if you want to show a PowerPoint presentation or a video. Here's how to do this.

The Share Screen menu

1. During your Zoom meeting, click the Share Screen button near the bottom of the window. This will bring up the Share Screen menu.

2. The Share Screen menu will allow you to choose what to share (see screenshot below). The main options include:

ℹ️ If the window you're looking for doesn't appear in this menu, click Show all windows. You should then be able to view and select it.

Sharing a specific app

Most of the time, you'll want to share a specific app (e.g. PowerPoint). To do so, click on the app you want to share.

Sharing a Keynote presentation in a window (not full screen)

If you're sharing a Keynote presentation but don't want it to take up your entire screen:

Now your presentation will run as a resizeable window instead of in full screen. Yay flexibility!

Sharing a PowerPoint presentation in a window (not full screen)

If you're sharing a PowerPoint presentation but don't want it to take up your entire screen:

Now your presentation will run as a resizeable window instead of in full screen. Yay flexibility!

Sharing a PowerPoint presentation in a window (not full screen)

If you're sharing a PowerPoint presentation but don't want it to take up your entire screen:

Now your presentation will run as a resizeable window instead of in full screen. Yay flexibility!

Sharing multiple programs at once

New with Zoom version 5.4.3 or greater, users can select multiple desktop programs at once for sharing. This ability is useful if the professor wishes (for example) to make comparisons between two or more documents. The sharer will always know which applications they are sharing by an extensible green border around the programs being shared.

Sharing a virtual whiteboard

To share a virtual whiteboard, select it from the Share Screen menu. You will now be able to draw on your whiteboard with the tools below:

Our apologies for the lack of chalk. We're as disappointed as you are.

Sharing an iPad or iPhone screen

You can share your iPad or iPhone screen to Zoom via your computer. This may be useful if you use an iPad app such as Goodnotes to do live annotations, or if you have a burning desire to teach via your phone 🤷🏻‍♂️📱

To share your iPhone or iPad screen via AirPlay:

To share your iPhone or iPad screen via a cable:

Sharing audio or video

To share audio:

To share video:

Silent film lovers should leave the first box unchecked.

Seeing more students while sharing a screen using "Gallery Grid View"

While screen-sharing, you can re-size the participant video panel to show more students. You are able to adjust and re-size the video panel if you have 5 or more students in your class.

Sharing copyrighted videos

Where are the films?

Who has access?

How can we use the films?

Breakout Rooms

With Zoom, you can divide the class into small groups for discussion. Here's how.

Feature limitations

⛔️ The Breakout Room feature has the following limitations:

Creating Breakout Rooms

1. In the main Zoom window, click on Breakout Rooms. A pop-up window will appear (see screenshot below).

⚠️ If you don't see the Breakout Rooms icon at the bottom of your Zoom window, then you'll need to sign into Zoom's web interface to enable it. Follow these steps:

2. Choose your room settings in the pop-up window above:

3. Once the rooms have been created, you can customize them further before opening them (see screenshot below). When you're happy with the setup, click Open All Rooms.

ℹ️ If you would like a specific participant (such as a co-presenter) to stay in the main room with you: 

4. When the rooms are open, you can join individual rooms or broadcast a message to them all (see screenshot below).

5. Click Close All Rooms when you're ready to end the breakout session (see above screenshot). The rooms will have 60 seconds to wrap up before they're closed. Note that the wrap-up time can be adjusted in the Options area. More details on the Options area will come as you continue to read.

6. Zoom will maintain the same groups unless you choose to recreate them, so you can easily start another breakout session during the class.

Further on Breakout Room options...

When the host and participants are on Zoom 5.3.0 or later, the "Self-select" breakout room option appears:

This gives participants the ability to self-select which room they would like to join without needing intervention, should you the host want to give them this ability.

Other options of note:

Allow participants to return to the main session at any time gives the students the ability to leave the breakout room before they end. They will re-enter the main session room.

Automatically move all assigned participants into breakout rooms moves people automatically into their room, rather than asking them if they would like to join the room.

Breakout rooms close automatically after "XX" minutes is handy if you want to set a specific time for the breakout rooms, If you would like to be reminded when that time is up, check Notify me when the time is up.  A pop-up window will appear:

Clicking  Close now will give the rooms whatever amount of time you have set for the Countdown after closing the breakout rooms (make sure this is checked as well!) to finish up.

Pre-assigning students to Breakout Rooms

Zoom does allow hosts to pre-assign students to different rooms, but the process is complicated and requires each participant to sign in with their email address (which is unlikely to happen given our current setup). 

If you would like to pre-assign students to different rooms, please try one of the following options:

You can get a class list from Moodle (or ask your TA), which you can open in Excel to keep a record of who is in which room.


Zoom comes with a virtual whiteboard. Pretty nifty, eh? Here's how to use it.

1. Click the Share Screen button at the bottom of Zoom's window.

2. Click Whiteboard.

3. Click Share, and the whiteboard drawing tools will appear. Play around with them before class to get a feel for how they work.

4. Use the page controls in the bottom-right corner to switch between pages or create new ones (see screenshot below).  

5. To save your whiteboard masterpiece for future generations, click Save. Zoom will create a folder on your computer and save a copy there (see screenshots below).

6. When you are finished with the whiteboard, click Stop Share. Congratulations — you are now a digital artist! 🧑‍🎨 🖥


Screen Sharing issues

Mac users: If you see the following message when trying to share your screen:

To share your computer audio, please install the Zoom audio device. Please restart your audio sharing application, such as the media player, after install to continue sharing computer sound.

...then follow these steps:

1. If prompted, enter your Mac admin password to allow Zoom to use your speakers. 

2. If you are asked to quit the application before using it, then quit the Zoom app.

3. Open an audio or video source in an app.

4. Re-launch the Zoom app, and start a new meeting.

5. Click Share Screen.

6. In the Share Screen window, select the app where your audio or video is currently open.

7. Start playing the audio or video that you selected. Everyone in the meeting should be able to see or hear it.

Still need help?